Valentina Karellas

Sustainable Fashion

In the modern world, clothing has become something of a disposable commodity. We live in a fast-paced society where fashion trends change quickly and it is easy to simply buy new clothes when our old ones become worn or torn. However, this attitude towards clothing is not sustainable. The fashion industry is a major contributor to pollution and waste, and the constant production and disposal of clothing puts a strain on our planet’s resources.

One way to combat this problem is by practicing visible mending. Visible mending is the art of repairing clothing in a way that is visible, rather than hiding the repair or throwing the garment away. This can be done through techniques such as darning, patching, and embroidery.

Not only is visible mending a sustainable alternative to throwing clothing away, it can also add character and individuality to your wardrobe. By mending your clothes in a visible way, you are creating a unique piece that cannot be replicated. You are also taking ownership of your clothing and showing that you value it enough to repair it rather than throwing it away.

In addition to being sustainable and adding character to your wardrobe, visible mending can also be a form of self-expression. By choosing the colors and patterns used in your mend, you can create a one-of-a-kind garment that reflects your personal style and creativity.

In a world where clothing is often seen as disposable, visible mending can be a powerful statement. It shows that you care about the planet and about your clothing, and that you are willing to take the time and effort to repair and extend the life of your garments. So next time you have a hole in your favorite shirt or a tear in your jeans, consider visible mending as a sustainable and creative alternative to simply throwing them away.

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