The Good Shopping Guide Directory

The Good Shopping Guide Directory Valentina Karellas

Ethical company, good shopping guide

We are proud to announce that we have made it to the Ethical fashion directory of the good shopping guide. We have found that there are few organisations that focus on praising those brands that focus on making a difference and a change into the world of sustainability and ethical products. Below is a snippet from the good shopping directory’s website, thanks for including us in your ‘good list’.

The Good Shopping Guide reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of the world’s companies and brands, assisting you in choosing more eco-friendly, ethical products that support the growth of social responsibility and ethical business as well as a more sustainable, just society. From armaments involvement and corporate corruption to human rights abuse and animal welfare, our research focuses on three general areas: People, Animals and the Environment. In each product sector a detailed breakdown of each company can be found, helping you get a clear picture of what’s actually going on behind the brand.

Ethical Fashion Directory

Ethical fashion is gradually becoming more easy to find, and the majority of alternative shops still operate online.  Below is a growing list of companies which show a commitment to fair trading, organic production methods, recycling and supporting local artisans and traditional techniques. They are the future of alternative fashion.

The Good Shopping Guide Directory Valentina Karellas